During the height of the first World War, a reluctant British spy stationed in the heart of the Russian empire is handed the most difficult assignment of his career: orchestrate the death of RASPUTIN, the mad monk, the Tsarina's most trusted adviser and the surrogate ruler of the nation. From the slums of the working class into the opulent houses of the super rich, he'll have to negotiate dangerous ties with the secret police, navigate the halls of power, and come to terms with own revolutionary leanings, all while simply trying to survive.
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Format: Original Graphic Novel, 250 page Hardcover
Content Rating: T (Teen)
Available: Aug 3, 2011
Diamond™ Order Code: MAY111157
ISBN: 978-1-934964-44-6
"Petrograd is a classy, involving piece of graphic docu-drama, as solid as much of best of the genre in European comics, and a compelling portrayal of one man’s moral dilemmas to change history and to escape history." - Paul Gravett